Olympic Games & Paralympic Games
Pub Date:2019.01.29

Exclusively Providing Comprehensive Management Services of Personal Risk Management.

As the solely designated organization of the Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2008, in cooperation with PICC that is an insurance partner of the 2008 Olympic Games, Lynxon provided personal and medical risk management services throughout the process of the 2008 Olympic Games.

Mainly responsible for case processing, customer service and data management, it provided professional, timely and effective medical services and protections for all activities during the process of Olympic Games, effectively helped the IOC solve the problems in relevant fields.

On Sep.23, 2008, the Finance Department of the Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games sent us a Letter of Thanks, speaking highly of the work achievements of Lynxon and the professional quality of all employees of Lynxon and expressing their sincere thanks.